With the rise of remote work and the growing demand for digital transformation, organizations need to focus on employee productivity and uptime more than ever. One way of doing this is by implementing Digital Experience Management (DEX) tooling, solutions that monitor and improve the user experience of employees across all endpoints, largely through automation and analytics.
Adopting a properly implemented and managed DEX solution can help steer businesses away from implementing employee surveillance strategies that can potentially harm employee morale and impact staff retention. Having the ability to identify and resolve any issues that may arise with employees’ devices and software, without the need to monitor their every move, can lead to massive productivity gains.
There are also unwanted consequences deploying surveillance tools. According to a recent report commissioned by 1E and Wakefield Research, 89% of IT managers say their current or former companies use productivity surveillance tech to monitor employees, yet 73% of IT managers are uncomfortable instructing their staff to deploy it. This puts IT departments in a precarious situation as such spying becomes more common.
At sustainableIT, we offer end-to-end managed services for the 1E DEX platform, helping organizations improve their user productivity, reduce incidents, and enable self-help. Our services ensure that DEX is properly implemented and optimized, allowing employees to have a seamless and consistent experience across all endpoints. This translates to increased productivity, fewer interruptions, and more time spent on meaningful work.
Moreover, with 1E, sustainableIT can support the work from anywhere model and have the ability to manage endpoints whether or not they are connected to the corporate network. This means that even if employees are working from home or on the go, they can still receive the same level of support and management as they would in the office. Our end-to-end managed services for 1E ensure that employees can work from anywhere without any interruptions or downtime, resulting in improved productivity and job satisfaction.
In conclusion, having a properly managed DEX solution can improve employee productivity, reduce incidents, enable self-help, and steer businesses away from invasive surveillance tactics.