Enables Organizations to Introduce Targeted PC Power Management Based on Actual Usage
1E, the global leader in IT efficiency software, today announces the release of the latest version of its award-winning PC power management solution, NightWatchman Enterprise.
NightWatchman 6.5’s unique new PC Estate Profiler feature can accurately profile the actual usage of any group of PCs — laptops or desktops — within an organization, allowing enterprises to set power policies that reflect this usage, reducing both energy consumption and carbon emissions while also helping to pinpoint unused machines.
PC Estate Profiler determines when users are actually using their PCs by monitoring key strokes and mouse movements. Stakeholders can then use this information to make intelligent and informed decisions about their PC power management policies, for example, by matching the power state of each subset of PCs, by location, with the activity level of employees.
The extra visibility provided by PC Estate Profiler provides a more dynamic alternative to taking baselines. Undertaken when a power management solution is first deployed, a baseline provides a highly accurate snapshot of PC usage at that moment in time, but unless the process is repeated on a regular basis, this information over time becomes outdated. PC Estate Profiler automatically tracks how usage varies with, for example, the adoption of flexible working practices. Enterprises can set policies based on the latest information, helping to maximize their energy cost savings.
The PC Estate Profiler, through aggregating PC usage over time, can also identify unused or underutilized PCs on the network, further eliminating the management overhead of maintaining these machines.
Fully compatible with Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, and all other major systems management solutions, NightWatchman 6.5 guarantees no impact on user productivity and by integrating with enterprise patch management processes the solution ensures that maintenance windows can be scheduled for periods when PCs are not in use. In addition, NightWatchman Enterprise’s WebWakeUp technology ensures that a computer in a low power state can be woken up and accessed on demand when a user is working remotely.
Sleepless Client Detection also makes sure that applications which prevent a PC from being powered down can be overridden whilst the PC is not in use. Additionally, the software has Common Criteria Certification for Governments and regulated organizations as well as secure network support with 801.1X.
“NightWatchman 6.5 builds on 1E’s impressive leadership in PC power management. Already recognized for its accurate baselining capabilities, PC Estate Profiler takes NightWatchman one step further, by providing the most accurate and up-to-date information on which enterprises can base their power policies,” says Sumir Karayi, CEO at 1E. “The conventional working day no longer exists even within the same organization, employees are not always at their desktops from 9am to 5pm, and PC power management strategies must take this into account. It is only by knowing when a PC is actually in use, that enterprises can connect the dots between usage and power requirements and ultimately become more efficient, energy conscious and reduce costs.”
For further information about NightWatchman version 6.5, take a look at the product sheet.
Source: 1E 23 April 2013