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Local IT company sustainableIT practices what it preaches

Local company and green IT computing specialists, sustainableIT have announced their carbon neutral status.  The company is believed to be the first local IT organisation to achieve carbon neutrality within its business operations.  Offsetting its emissions to achieve a carbon neutral status marks a logical progression in terms of the way the business is managed and operated.

Carbon Neutral Status

“sustainableIT is a blip on the radar screen in terms of overall emissions but everybody can do their bit” explains Teresa Legg, director at sustainableIT. Leading technology companies, like Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft, use massive amounts of energy, electricity and power. In fact Greenpeace estimates that some individual data centers consume as much electricity as 180,000 households per annum. In terms of emissions, the IT industry is estimated to contribute between two and three percent to global emissions and continues to increase as more mobile devices get online.

Many of these companies have been working to become more efficient and reduce emissions, which not only cuts down on environmental costs but also saves on costs. sustainableIT has followed suit and practices what it preaches within its operations.  Teleworking is encouraged amongst staff and technology is employed to power manage office equipment, desktops and server infrastructure.  Energy consumption is kept to a minimum through natural lighting and recycling is a company policy.

“For us, it’s the right thing to do. And it’s also an opportunity for us to promote positive change in the local IT industry,” Teresa Legg director of sustainableIT says. “It’s the main reason why we have taken this significant step to become carbon neutral across our operations.”

The carbon footpint of the business was calculated using The Carbon Report, a cloud based offering delivering an audit report based on the globally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

A reforestation project in Mozambique called the Sofala Community Carbon Project was chosen and was sourced from impactChoice and is auditable and traceable on their registry.  This project achieves a CCBA triple gold status which effectively means it demonstrates exceptional benefits in areas of climate, community and biodiversity.
sustainableIT is primarily based in Cape Town with a satellite office in Johannesburg.  The business provides technology solutions to corporates around sustainable computing, largely deploying technologies that allow companies to manage and reduce energy consumption and associated co2 emissions.”We recognize that may not be the first company to commit to carbon neutrality but we may be the first SA IT company. We hope that our decision will encourage other companies large and small to look at what they can do to address this important issue,” Legg concludes.

Source: sustainableIT 13 August 2012

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