Implementing a centralised PC power management tool can achieve savings immediately.
In South Africa, with year on year energy increases of 25% per annum and an increasingly threatened power supply, it stands to reason that more companies need to be become more innovative in the way they deliver services and provide quantifiable savings on the bottom line.
1E, a software and services company has released version 6 of its PC power management solution, NightWatchman. Represented in South Africa by sustainableIT, the solution helps corporations manage their network of computers to optimise energy efficiency and deliver measurable savings. It gives IT managers the ability to remotely power down and power up computers and establish energy-saving settings. An example would be to shutdown desktops at 6pm on weekdays and wake them up for one hour at midnight for patch management purposes.
According to Gartner Research, energy efficiency as it relates to IT management is becoming an increasingly important field. They predict that in two years time, more than half of mid and large-sized businesses will centrally manage their desktops’ energy consumption.
On average NightWatchman saves around R250 per PC per year in energy costs, those incremental savings yield significant sums in aggregate. Several of 1E’s clients are large corporations with massive IT operations, such as AT&T, Ford and Dell.
HSBC, one of the largest users of NightWatchman globally saved in excess of US$ 1 million in 2009 by powering down more than 250 000 workstations using NightWatchman. According to 1E, NightWatchman has 4.6 million licensed users around the world, a group that has collectively saved $530 million in energy costs and in excess of 4.3 million tonnes of CO2.
Key to saving energy is to provide management information across the organisation. You cannot manage what you don’t measure. NightWatchman delivers full management reporting on cost, energy and CO2 emissions savings. Reporting can be segmented by business unit or location. A web-based dashboard helps managers oversee the entire company’s computer power usage and associated carbon emissions.
“NightWatchman is a must for any company looking to achieve additional energy savings”, states Tim James, CEO of sustainableIT. “ICT, and particularly PC’s and monitors consume a significant amount of energy, especially when left on 24×7 for no apparent reason”, James elaborates. “Implementing a centralised power management tool with automated PC wake up, like NightWatchman, is a quick win and corporations can achieve savings immediately”, he concludes.
NightWatchman, and its sister product NightWatchman Server Edition, are significant components of sustainableIT’s roadmap for companies looking to green their IT service and significantly reduce both costs and co2 emissions.